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Asia's preferred Pet Store!

Covid-19 Notice: As some of the animals may be under quarantine, please call & check for availability in-store.

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While fishes may not have obvious personalities like any other pets, each fish species could display a wide spectrum of traits. Their social interaction and complex personalities become evident when housed together in groups with the same or compatible breeds.
There are, however, some breeds that are semi-aggressive hence they should not be tanked with other fish. In contrast, goldfish are usually affable when housed together with their own species.

It should be noted that different fish within the same species may react to stress and stimuli differently. Different breeds also require varying water parameters (e.g. pH, KH/GH, temperature) to thrive. Therefore, you should get to know the temperaments of each fish to decide their compatibility with other fishes, and suitability for your lifestyle and habits.
Fish breed list (Click to find out personality traits and where to find them)
Angel- Koi (19)Angel- Platinum (30)Angel- Veiltail Golden (9)Angel- Zebra (10)Barb- Long Fin Cherry (11)Barb- Red Tiger (20)Betta- Crown Tail Fancy (4)Betta- Elephant Halfmoon Male (5)Betta- Giant Female (1)Betta- Halfmoon Fancy (8)Betta- Halfmoon Shorttail (3)Betta- Koi Plakat Half moon (1)Betta- Koi Plakat Male (8)Betta- PKHM Candy Male (2)Betta- PKHM Elephant (8)Betta- PKHM Fancy Female (13)Betta- PKHM Fancy Male (13)Betta- PKHM Galaxy Koi Male (17)Betta- Plakat (4)Betta- Super Delta Elephant Male (11)Blue Lobster (13)Catfish- Albino Corydora (20)Catfish- Panda Corydora (36)Catfish- Sterba Corydora (51)Channa- Asiatica White Spot (4)Channa- Channa Andrao (1)Channa- Channa Pulchra (1)Channa- Rainbow Snake Head (1)Cichlid- Africa Snow White (20)Cichlid- Assorted Angel (7)Cichlid- Balloon Dwarf (10)Cichlid- Balloon Electric Blue Butterfly (6)Cichlid- Balloon Golden Ram (44)Cichlid- Blue Tiger Parrot 3-4cm (14)Cichlid- Flowerhorn (4)Cichlid- German Blue Ramirezi (14)Cichlid- Neon Cichlid (26)Cichlid- Orange/Red (11)Cichlid- Platinmum Polar Parrot (9)Cichlid- Yellow African Prince (18)Corydoras- Leopard (17)Corydoras- Orange Venezuela (30)Crayfish- Ghost (6)Crayfish- Zebra (1)Cyprinids- Tiger Hillstream Loach (6)Dainos- Blue Zebra (12)Dainos- Dark Green Zebra (11)Dainos- Green Zebra (15)Dainos- Micro Galaxy Rasbora (2)Dainos- Yellow/ Gold Zebra (13)Goby- Mini Bumble Bee (3)Golden Algae Eater (57)Goldfish- Black Ranchu (8)Goldfish Pearl Scale (62)GoldFish- Red Cap Oranda 2.5 Inch (9)GoldFish- Red Cap Oranda 5 Inch (1)Goldfish- Red Fantail (5)Goldfish- Red Lion Head Oranda 10cm (8)
Angel- Koi (19)Angel- Platinum (30)Angel- Veiltail Golden (9)Angel- Zebra (10)Barb- Long Fin Cherry (11)Barb- Red Tiger (20)Betta- Crown Tail Fancy (4)Betta- Elephant Halfmoon Male (5)Betta- Giant Female (1)Betta- Halfmoon Fancy (8)Betta- Halfmoon Shorttail (3)Betta- Koi Plakat Half moon (1)Betta- Koi Plakat Male (8)Betta- PKHM Candy Male (2)Betta- PKHM Elephant (8)Betta- PKHM Fancy Female (13)Betta- PKHM Fancy Male (13)Betta- PKHM Galaxy Koi Male (17)Betta- Plakat (4)Betta- Super Delta Elephant Male (11)Blue Lobster (13)Catfish- Albino Corydora (20)Catfish- Panda Corydora (36)Catfish- Sterba Corydora (51)Channa- Asiatica White Spot (4)Channa- Channa Andrao (1)Channa- Channa Pulchra (1)Channa- Rainbow Snake Head (1)Cichlid- Africa Snow White (20)Cichlid- Assorted Angel (7)Cichlid- Balloon Dwarf (10)Cichlid- Balloon Electric Blue Butterfly (6)Cichlid- Balloon Golden Ram (44)Cichlid- Blue Tiger Parrot 3-4cm (14)Cichlid- Flowerhorn (4)Cichlid- German Blue Ramirezi (14)Cichlid- Neon Cichlid (26)Cichlid- Orange/Red (11)Cichlid- Platinmum Polar Parrot (9)Cichlid- Yellow African Prince (18)Corydoras- Leopard (17)Corydoras- Orange Venezuela (30)Crayfish- Ghost (6)Crayfish- Zebra (1)Cyprinids- Tiger Hillstream Loach (6)Dainos- Blue Zebra (12)Dainos- Dark Green Zebra (11)Dainos- Green Zebra (15)Dainos- Micro Galaxy Rasbora (2)Dainos- Yellow/ Gold Zebra (13)Goby- Mini Bumble Bee (3)Golden Algae Eater (57)Goldfish- Black Ranchu (8)Goldfish Pearl Scale (62)GoldFish- Red Cap Oranda 2.5 Inch (9)GoldFish- Red Cap Oranda 5 Inch (1)Goldfish- Red Fantail (5)Goldfish- Red Lion Head Oranda 10cm (8)Goldfish- Red Oranda Long Tail (17)Goldfish- Red Ranchu (1)Goldfish- Red White Fantail (18)Gourami- Dwarf (18)Gourami- Neon Dwarf (3)Guppy- Platinum Blue Neon (10)Guppy- Assorted Female (89)Guppy- Endler Venezuelan-M (11)Guppy- Endler-Royal Blue-M (54)Guppy- Gold Tuxedo (24k)-M (7)Guppy- Golden King Cobra Male (31)Guppy- Golden Platinum Male (10)Guppy- Japan Blue Albino-M (2)Guppy- Neon Male (47)Guppy- Panda- M (6)Guppy- Red King Cobra Male (38)Guppy- Silver Body Red Elephant Ear (12)Guppy- Sunset M (4)Half Moon Betta (5)Loach- Black Line Flying Fox (13)Loach- Khuli (44)Lobster- Orange (22)Lobster- White (8)Molly- Assorted Balloon (14)Molly- Gold Black (14)Molly- Gold Black Lyretail (20)Molly- Golden Lyretail (33)Neon Dwarf Rainbows (14)Neon Tetra (178)Orange Rice Fish (25)Otocinclus Sucker (58)Parrot- Purple Blood (7)Parrot- Yellow Blood (8)Platy- Sunset Neon (3)Pleco- Super Gold Ancistrus (4-5cm) (4)Pleco-Ancistrus L144 Black (4-5cm) (3)Rasbora- Harlequin (26)Rasbora- Purple Harqlequin (4)Red Lobster (10)Rice fish- Stardust (15)Shark- Red Tail Black (2)Shark- Silver (2)Shrimp- Bloody Mary (46)Shrimp- Golden Top (45)Shrimp- Orange Cherry/ Sunkist (19)Snail- Poso Orange Rabbit (10)Snail- Spotted (18)Snail- Zebra (16)Sucker- Golden Stripe (8)Tetra- Blue Luminous (21)Tetra Cardinal (55)Tetra Ember (25)Tetra Golden Red Rio Flame (2)Tetra- Green Luminous (40)Tetra- Orange Luminous (36)Tetra- Purple Luminous (50)Tetra- Ruby (14)Tetra Rummy Nose (12)